Win the hearts of founders and …

Win More

BrightLoop helps venture firms win more deals by delivering customer insights and opportunities that founders can’t give up.


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Recent viewpoints delivered to:

Next Coast Ventures

Incubate Fund

Adams Street Partners

Battery Ventures


Tuesday Capital

Audacious Ventures

Liquid2 Ventures


Cloud Capital


Everywhere Ventures

Founders Co-op

Two Ravens

Next Coast Ventures Incubate Fund Adams Street Partners Battery Ventures Stripes Tuesday Capital Audacious Ventures Liquid2 Ventures MGV Cloud Capital Crash/Dev Everywhere Ventures Founders Co-op Two Ravens

A market development app that becomes part of your platform and helps you and your founders build the market together from the moment you meet

Win the right deals

Deliver Expert Insights. Gather video viewpoints from executive buyers in the startup’s ICP or target audience

Run an AI Analysis. Extract higher-level insights on demand, differentiation, pricing, etc

Generate an AI Deal Memo. Generate and share a summary of the market opportunity with the founder and your team

Win competitive deals

Create Opportunities. Collect demo and trial requests from interested executives and connect them with founders

Soft-circle Industry Investors. Roll up angel investments from key buyers and execs into an SPV and share with founders

Give Founders a Space they can’t quit. Showcase your work, viewpoints, soft-circled customers & angels in a branded workspace

Win better returns.

Generate Customer Intros. Warm and brokered customer intros for the company on an ongoing basis

Generate Referrals. Generate ongoing customer and candidate referrals from executive angels and advisors

Tap Executive Advisors for Insights. Tap an even broader set of exec buyers for feedback 2x per quarter

“BrightLoop was instrumental
in helping us vet and win the deal.”